The history of our Stubby Steve's artificial fish food lure...

Stubby Steve, the developer of this product, has been a practicing veterinarian for 25 years and also has two undergraduate degrees in Animal Science and Nutrition. Because of this background, Stubby Steve has an intricate working knowledge of animal foods.

Stubby Steve consulted with fish food companies, fish biologists, fish breeders and hatcheries. The most important aspect of our patent pending product is that we studied what gives fish food its unmistakeable odor and then concentrated this in our lure. Our proprietary formula contains a substantial amount of fish food and fish food odor concentrates.We put as much of these products in each piece of Stubby Steve's as we could without sacrificing its structual integrity. Stubby Steve's does smell more like fish food than a piece of real fish food.The only fish food we use has fish as the main ingredient, as opposed to cereal grains. Grain fish food is much cheaper. Maybe this is why we attract so many different species of fish. It retains its odor even after being in the water for hours. We made it semi-pourous so odor and fish food would leach out over hours. This product performs like it should, no empty promises! The various species of fish we have caught with our lure when nothing else works is impressive and growing every day.

We could make a plastic lure that looks like a piece of fish food. Manufactured plastic is cheap to produce and cheaper to make

lures with but it is environmentally unfriendly. If you smell the "plastic" in a lure, so will the fish. The only thing Stubby Steve's smells like is fish food. Not only do we want to stress how effective our lure is, we also are happy to say it's biodegradable and environmentally friendly! Creating a lure that will not contribute to the plastic lures gathering on the bottoms of our lakes and ponds makes us proud. Each piece is handmade here in America!